Updated Covid-19 Temporary Employer Wage Subsidy Scheme changes from 4 May

Updated Covid-19 Temporary Employer Wage Subsidy Scheme changes from 4 May

As you are aware, the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) has had many changes and updates following its initial  announcement in March 2020. Updated Covid-19 Temporary Employer Wage Subsidy Scheme changes from 4 May. Anyone processing payroll from 4th May 2020 can now apply these updates and changes where applicable.

Eligibility for the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme Revision:

The criteria for eligibility remains the same and so the scheme continues to be open to employers who self-declare to Revenue that they have experienced significant negative economic disruption due to Covid-19.

It should be noted that previously one of the conditions of the scheme was that all payroll submissions for February 2020 should have been made to Revenue on or before 15th March 2020. Where the payroll submission had not been filed by this date, the employer was not eligible for the TWSS.

Changes to this were announced on 24th April 2020 to permit an employer who made the payroll submission after 15th March 2020 and before 1st April 2020 in relation to pay dates in February 2020 (all previous months submissions were to be submitted before 15th March 2020) will be eligible for the scheme for payroll submissions and pay dates after 24th April 2020. So, if you were not previously eligible as a result of late filing of the February 2020 payroll submission, then you should consider the revised condition now.

All other eligibility criteria remains the same as previous.

Key Changes to the Scheme effective from 4th May 2020:

With effect from 4th May 2020, the changes are as follows:

  1. Employees with a net pay of €412 or less

An 85% subsidy for employees up to a maximum payment of €350 per week. The employer can pay a top up exceeded 15% to bring the total net payment of €350 per week (i.e. subsidy plus gross ‘top up’ pay) to €350 net.

  • Employees with a net pay between €412 and €500

A flat rate subsidy of up to €350 will be payable to employees.

  • Employees with a net pay between €501 and €586

Employees can get up to 70% of their previous average net pay., up to a maximum of €410 per week.

  • Employees with a net pay between €586 per week and less than €960 per week

A tiered approach will apply if an employer has reduced the salary of the employee post Covid-19 as follows:

Where the employer pays 60% of net salary, a subsidy of €350 is payable.

Where the employer pay between 60% and 80% of the net salary, a subsidy of €205 is payable.

Where the employer pays between 80% and 100% of the net salary, no subsidy is payable.

  • Employees with a pre-Covid salary greater than €960 and post-Covid less than €960

It should be noted that this change became effective from 16th April 2020 and remains effective under the new changes from 4th May 2020.

The wage subsidy is available to support employees where their pre-Covid salary was greater than

€960 net per week, and their post-Covid salary has fallen below 960 per week. Tiered arrangements apply as follows:

  • Where an employees salary has been reduced less than 20%, no subsidy is payable.
  • Where the employee salary is reduced between 20% and 40%, a subsidy of €205 is payable.
  • Where the employee salary is reduced more than 40%, a subsidy of up to €350 would be payable.

The total of the net pay of the employee cannot exceed €960 per week after applying the subsidy plus the top up from the employer.

Taxation of the subsidy payment

As was previously outlined, the wage subsidy is not taxable by the employer through the payroll system, but rather it is a taxable payment for the employee. The individual’s taxes will be reviewed by Revenue at the end of the year and any liability will be collected. We would advise that if you are operating the Employer Wages Subsidy Scheme, then you should ensure that you inform your employees of this. Revenue have confirmed that  individual employees may contact Revenue through “My Account” and request that their tax credits be changed to a Week1/Month 1 basis. This will help to reduce and minimise their any potential tax liability at the end of the year.

There have been so many changes to this scheme since it was first introduced, it is important to ensure that you continue to review salaries, qualifying criteria and amendments and effective dates of each of the changes introduced. We will continue to review and monitor the scheme for any updates, clarifications and further changes. However, in the meantime, if you have any queries or requires assistance, we are happy to help.

Stay safe

Re-Opening Ireland New Business Supports have been announced

Re-Opening Ireland New Business Supports have been announced

Re-Opening Ireland New Business Supports have been announced. It was a welcome to hear the details of the plan to reopen Ireland over the coming months. There is no question that that the slow phased re-opening is necessary for everyone’s ongoing health and welfare, but there is also no doubt that this will continue to have a huge impact on all business as we adapt and change to a new normal.

Covid 19 Business Support

The Government introduced a number of additional measures to aid the economy as the Covid-19 restrictions start to be lifted which include the following:

A €6 billon support package for farmers, small, medium and larger businesses has been agreed by Cabinet. It includes the following:

  • A €10,000 restart grant for micro and small businesses based on a rates/waiver rebate from 2019;
  • A three-month commercial rates waiver for impacted businesses;
  • A €2 billon Pandemic Stabilisation and Recovery Fund within the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), which will make capital available to medium and large enterprises on commercial terms;
  • A €2 billon COVID-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme to support lending to SMEs for terms ranging from three months to six years, which will be below market interest rates;
  • The ‘warehousing’ of tax liabilities for a period of 12 months after recommencement of trading during which time there will be no debt enforcement action taken by Revenue and no interest charge accruing in respect of the warehoused debt;

For earlier supports announced, please refer to our previous newsletter HERE

Revenue confirms ‘warehousing’ of COVID-19 related tax debt for businesses

Following this announcement, Revenue has assured businesses severely impacted by COVID-19 that it will continue to work with them to agree payment arrangements that support both the capacity of the business to resume trading as well as the national recovery, post COVID-19.

While the finer details of the ‘warehousing’ measures have still to be worked out, Revenue has confirmed the following:

  • COVID-19 related VAT and Payroll tax debts, due from 1 March 2020 to the date when sectoral restrictions are lifted, will be parked for a period of 12 months
  • no interest will accrue on the tax debts during the 12 month period
  • thereafter, the COVID-19 related tax debts will carry a reduced interest rate of 3% (down from 10%), until the debt is paid
  • the timeframe allowed to pay the ‘warehoused’ debt will be flexible and determined by the ability of the business to pay both COVID-19 related debts as well as meeting its ongoing tax liabilities as they arise in the normal course
  • for the warehousing arrangement to apply, all returns must be filed in accordance with the Revenue guidance that has applied since the start of the current pandemic.

Covid 19 Supports Summary

Covid 19 Supports Summary

The situation surrounding COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, causing a lot of uncertainty and challenges in our daily lives, we hope you are doing well and taking good care of yourselves and your families.

Covid 19 Business Support

We have been updating our Social Media Channels on supports available for business as they have been issuing. In the past week there have been many updates with further clarifications issuing within a matter of hours in some cases. I have prepared the below summary of the various supports as of 21st March 2020. We are continuing to monitor information being released and will post the notifications on our Social Media Channels accordingly.

We are still open and operational. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.


This payment is available to all employees and the self-employed who have lost employment due to a downturn in economic activity caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The payment has a one-page application form and will be paid for a period of 6 weeks at a flat rate payment of €203 per week for jobseekers. It is designed to deliver a social welfare payment to the unemployed and provide income security during the pandemic.

Individuals applying for the payment will be required to apply for the normal jobseeker’s payments within this 6-week period. Once this normal jobseeker claim is subsequently received, the department will process these claims and make payments at that time. This will involve backdating increased payments for certain customers.

Former employees and self-employed people can apply for the new COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment.

You can apply for the payment if you are aged between 18 and 66 years and you have lost employment due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic or you are a non-EU/EEA worker over 18 who has lost employment or you are a student over 18 who has lost employment or you are a non-EU/EEA student over 18 who has lost employment or you are a part time worker over 18, earn less than € 203 per week and have lost employment due to pandemic.

There is a guide on how to claim here: https://services.mywelfare.ie/


The Government supports for COVID-19 impacted businesses and some practical steps you can take can be found below and include:  https://dbei.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Supports-for-SMEs/COVID-19-supports/Government-supports-to-COVID-19-impacted-businesses.html

CREDIT GUARANTEE SCHEME: Supports loans up to €1 million for periods of up to 7 years. Applications can be made to AIB, Bank of Ireland and Ulster Bank. Eligibility criteria apply.

See: https://dbei.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Supports-for-SMEs/COVID-19-supports/Credit-Guarantee-Scheme-COVID-19-FAQ.html

MICROENTERPRISES can access COVID-19 loans of up to €50,000 from MicroFinance Ireland. Loans are available at an interest rate of between 6.8% and 7.8%. Businesses can apply through their Local Enterprise Office or directly at microfinanceireland.ie. Eligibility criteria apply.

See: https://dbei.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Supports-for-SMEs/COVID-19-supports/Microfinance-Ireland-COVID-19-Business-Loan.html

€200m SBCI COVID-19 Working Capital Scheme for eligible businesses will be available within the next week. Maximum loan size will be €1.5 million (first €500,000 unsecured) and the maximum interest rate will be 4%. Applications can be made through the SBCI website at sbci.gov.ie. Eligibility criteria apply.

See: https://dbei.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Supports-for-SMEs/COVID-19-supports/SBCI-Covid19-Working-Capital-Scheme-FAQ.html

A €200m Package for Enterprise Supports including a Rescue and Restructuring Scheme is available through Enterprise Ireland for vulnerable but viable firms that need to restructure or transform their business.



If you have concerns about your ability to pay your tax liabilities speak to the Revenue Commissioners, who have advised:

“On an on-going basis, Revenue engages with viable businesses experiencing temporary cash flow or trading difficulties that affect the timely payment of tax. Revenue works very successfully with businesses that engage early to resolve their tax payment difficulties. Revenue will engage with any viable business experiencing temporary cashflow difficulties, including difficulties arising from exceptional circumstances such as the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak.”

VAT and PAYE returns and payments due on 23rd March 2020

Revenue issued guidance last week regarding tax payment difficulties at this time.

Revenue have advised:

  1. : businesses experiencing temporary cash flow difficulties should continue to send in tax returns on time.
  •  the application of interest on late payments is suspended for 
  • Debt Enforcement: All debt enforcement activity is suspended until further notice.
  • current tax clearance status will remain in place for all businesses over the coming months.

See: www.revenue.ie.


The Registrar of Companies has also decided that all annual returns due to be filed by companies between now and 30th June, 2020 will be deemed to have been filed on time if all elements of the annual return are completed and filed by that date. This will enable businesses and their financial advisers to focus on the more pressing and immediate financial challenges. The situation will be kept under review and the date of 30th June may be extended depending on the situation at that time. Companies should check the CRO website www.cro.ie for more details


Please refer regularly to these web sites as Government support is changing daily.

Government supports for COVID-19 impacted businesses See: https://dbei.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Supports-for-SMEs/COVID-19-supports/Government-supports-to-COVID-19-impacted-businesses.html

Some useful websites:

Revenue: www.revenue.ie.

Short time work support: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/c20e1b-short-time-work-support/

Employer refund scheme: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/6c6582-employer-covid-19-refund-scheme/

COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/be74d3-covid-19-pandemic-unemployment-payment/

Grant supports


The full range of Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Local Enterprise Office and Údarás na Gaeltachta grant supports will be available to firms to help with strategies to innovate, diversify markets and supply chains and to improve competitiveness.

Contact us if you need help in applying for a Grant.

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation will provide a joint First Responder support service through the Intreo Offices and development agencies, Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland in each region to provide tailored supports for impacted firms, with objective of avoiding mass lay-offs and buying time for firms to work through the short-term disruptions.


The Department has updated its checklist on Business Continuity Planning which provides a checklist of preparatory actions for businesses in responding to COVID-19.

See: https://dbei.gov.ie/en/Publications/Business-Continuity-Planning-A-checklist-of-Preparatory-Actions-in-Responding-to-the-COVID-19-Outbreak.html