High-level strategy gives direction to the management team of a business. However, such high level plans can often prove to be of little use to other workers within the organisation. Aspects of the strategy must be distilled down to actions and plans which will drive the various areas of the business towards the common goals outlined in the overall strategy.


It is often said that a strategy doesn’t fail in its formulation but in its implementation. The key to implementing a strategy successfully is communication.

Many leadership teams, in their excitement and enthusiasm to turn their strategy into reality, fail to take the necessary steps to ensure that it can be delivered effectively by the various departments in the firm. Taking the time and energy to translate your strategic vision into operational success, demands that you focus on the following:

Communication – Your strategic intent and agenda should form the basis of all your communication with the business. When you make and communicate a decision, for example, you should clearly state how it will help move the strategy of the business forward.

Resources – Resources should be allocated on the basis of their ability to deliver the agreed strategy, and not simply reflect historic trends and decisions.

Alignment – The goals of the business must align with the objectives of the departments and people within the firm. Tiny differences of opinion in the boardroom can become huge divisions across the organisation, rapidly reducing your chances of successful implementation.

People – Your best and most appropriate people should be leading the delivery of your key strategic objectives. Not only does this increase the firm’s chances of success, but it also sends a signal to the business about what management considers to be important.

Accountability – The individual performances, and the collective performance of the team, should be directly based on implementing the strategy.

Measurement – Your KPIs should mirror the strategy, as should your associated rewards and bonuses. If you are serious about your strategy you will define appropriate ways to track its delivery and effectively report on progress.


Budget 2015

Budget 2015 was published today by the Minister for Finance.

The much anticipated Budget 2015 was announced by Finance Minister Noonan on Tuesday. It is the first non austerity budget in 7 years, although this is being viewed with caution.budget2012

There were reductions in the 2% USC band to 1.5% and the 4% USC band to 3.5%. The entry level to USC increased from €10,000 to just over €12,000. There was a decrease in the 41% income tax rate by 1%, seeing it reduced to 40%. The income tax standard rate band is to increase by €1,000 to €33,800
Income tax relief will be given on water charges up to a maximum of €500 per household per year, which will be worth up to €100 per household.

There will be no increases in the VAT rates and the reduced rate of 9% for tourism is to be extended. There will be no increases in excise duty on petrol, diesel or alcohol. No surprise with the hit on the cost of a 20-pack of cigarettes which will increase by 40 cent.

Corporation tax will remain at 12.5% and the three year corporation tax relief for start-up companies is to be extended.

The home renovation tax incentive scheme is to be extended to rental properties whose landlords are liable for income tax. This will apply to work done by end of 2015.

First time buyers will get a refund of DIRT on savings (used to buy a home) between now and 2017. The savings cannot exceed 20% of the purchase price.

Child benefit will increase by €5 per child per month with a further increase of €5 on 2016. A christmas bonus of 25% of the rate will also be given this year.

Full details of all the changes can be downloaded through the link above. If you have any queries on how the budget may affect your business or personal circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact me on 021 4217474 or by email on info@CACMAccountants.ie

Expences – Getting it right.

In light of the taxation issues, the most prevalent method in respect of payment of employee expenses is by the re-imbursement of vouched expenses i.e. repayment to the employee of expences actually incurred for which they have appropriate receipts for. When such payments are made to the employee and the payment is no more than reimbursement of a receipted expense, it is not treated as pay for tax purposes.
Other methods of dealing with employee expenses include:-

Flat rate employment expenses.

A standard flat rate expenses deduction is set for various classes of employee’s. The amount of the deduction is agreed between Revenue and representatives of groups or classes of employees in advance (usually the employees are represented by trade union officials). Such groups of employees that are entitled to this flat rate expense include nurses, teachers, firemen, journalists, certain professions/trades employed by the civil service and local authorities, shop assistants to name a few. A detailed list is available on the revenue website.
Round Sum expenses.

This is where the employer agrees to pay an employee an agreed amount each pay period in addition to normal salary to cover expenses. The expense amount agreed is treated as “Pay” and is taxable in the same way as if it were part of the normal salary payment.
Meal allowances: In the same way as agreed flat rate expenses, where employers pay a sum towards the costs of employee’s meals, it is treated as taxable pay.

Meal Vouchers.

Where an employer provides luncheon or meal vouchers to employees, the value of the voucher (excluding the first 19 c per voucher) must be treated as pay and appropriate PAYE/PRSI deducted in the normal manner.

Canteen Meals.

Where an employer provides free or subsidised meals in a staff canteen for staff generally, the value of the meals provided to employees are not treated as pay for tax purposes. However, the facility must be available to all employees in the company. If the facility is only available for certain employees, then the exemption will not apply and tax will need to be deducted on the value of the meals to the employees entitled to the facility.

Can I claim for my lunch expense?

We are all familiar with the expenses that we are allowed to claim a tax deduction for in our accounts. They typically include items like rent, insurances, print and advertising costs, wages and salaries, to name but a few.  However, there are items that often cause much debate as to whether they are tax deductible or not. The main culprits I have found that can cause confusion are food and meal expenses and entitlement to claim mileage and subsistence allowances.

For self employed individuals, the rules relating to food and meals are actually quite clear – the cost of meals taken at the place of business are not allowable for tax purposes. Meals consumed away from the place of business are, in general, not regarded as being for the purposes of the business. This may seem a bit unfair – after all we’re not necessarily talking about expensive lunches in fine dining establishments on a daily basis. Who has the time, budget and metabolism for that anyhow? Most of us are more likely to opt for a quick take away sandwich from the shop/cafe closest the office, so why is it not a business expense? Well, Revenue’s view point on food and meals is that everyone must eat in order to live, so whether you are working or not, you still have to eat. If you think about it, for anyone that is a PAYE employee, you have to pay for your own lunch/food costs and cannot claim any tax credit/relief for having to do so, so why as self employed individual would this same cost now be regarded as a business expense? The Revenue do recognise that obviously, where the fundamental nature of a business involves travelling  – an example they give is that of a long distance lorry driver, or where occasional business journeys outside the normal pattern are made, then the cost of meals maybe allowed as an expense.

 So, what about civil service mileage rates and subsistence allowances? Well that’s for the next blog post.

Getting paid on time.

All businesses are competing with suppliers for their customer’s money. The business with the best credit control system will get paid first. The groundwork for getting paid on time starts with the beginning of a new customer/client relationship. Every business needs to have a system in place for accessing a potential customer’s credit worthiness, whether it is a policy of requesting credit references, bank references or using publicly available information or credit bureaus.Once you are satisfied with the credit references, the next step is to ensure that there are written terms of business, which should include payment terms, provided to the customer. Do be aware though that for a contract to be legally enforceable it must contain certain elements and it is always wise to seek professional legal advice on this.

We all know that there are different categories of customers when it comes to collecting payment. In these difficult times, we all try our best to be reasonable and fair, particularly where in the past the customer has always been a good payer. The main thing is to ensure that as a business, you limit your potential exposure. The most difficult categories for all business to deal with are firstly, those that can pay some debts, but can’t pay it all and secondly, those that won’t don’t and never pay.

A good cash collection system should be flexible, reliable, secure, adaptable and economical. Most importantly, the system needs to be operated in a firm, but intentional manner. If a customer gives you a date for when payment will be made, if not received, a telephone call should be placed immediately. Information about the customer’s accounts department including their payment processing system should also be obtained as this can avoid delays in the issuing of payments.

When preparing to make a cash collection telephone call, it is important to make sure that you have all relevant information and be prepared with possible responses to the standard excuses such as “the cheques in the post”. You must remain firm and ensure that you finish the call with a definite answer.

Reducing cash collection time can also be helped with the use of electronic invoicing over traditional paper invoices. It can save time (not to mention costs) on the delivery of invoices and statements. Encourage electronic payments, standing orders and direct debits where appropriate. Accepting card payments and discounts for early payment can also encourage early payment.

Unfortunately, where telephone calls and reminders don’t work, things need to be ramped up a bit. Clear concise cash collection letters may ensure that the correct person is aware of the outstanding debt and result in settlement. Applying late interest payments may also speed up the collection. However, you need to decide the time that will be spent on something like this if you are aware that the inevitable result will be legal action.

  • Immediate steps that you can now take to improve cash collection include.
  • A review of your current terms of business/contracts.
  • Ensure that payment terms are clearly stated.  
  • If a written contract, make sure that there is an agreed reference to what interest will be payable on late payments 
  • Ensure system in place for monitoring agreed payment terms and unpaid debts
  • Enforce the credit control procedures firmly, but vigorously.

Remember, good communication and negotiation skills are absolutely necessary when collecting debts. Keep making the calls, square off any excuses and always make sure that you end each call with a firm commitment and follow up if required. A company needs to make sure that they are always “first in line” to ensure that what cash a customer has comes your way.

Protecting your business

Business owners, more than ever, need to have a proactive approach in managing their business. We need to be able to detect and identify warning signs of potential problems and know what steps to take as soon as problems become apparent. Problems rarely arise suddenly. It is more usually a gradual process, as a result of a variety of circumstances either external or internal. External causes cannot always be predicted with accuracy in advance. Internal factors however, may, in many cases be capable of being foreseen.
Businesses will usually have expert skills and experience in the area of activity the business operates.

No matter how good a product or service is, skills and experience in areas such as business planning, financial reporting, marketing, customer relations and financial management cannot be taken for granted.  Running a successful business requires not only good creative and operational skills but good business skills too. If these skills are not available in-house, then the business will need to source these skills from specialist advisors.
Advice from professionally qualified financial accountants should be sought regularly, at all the stages of business life. Some of the many benefits of this include being able to take advantage of any opportunities of growth and to anticipate any threats to the survival of the business and reacting to them promptly. The key areas that a professionally qualified accountant usually provide expert advice is in regards to accounting, financial planning and credit management. Advice in areas such as bookkeeping and financial reporting practices and sound business practice should also be utilised in order to produce high quality financial information, which sets the ground for the efficient and effective growth and the survival of the business.

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